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What Is The Best Precious Metal To Invest In Right Now?

May 5, 2021

By name, Vancouver Bullion and Currency Exchange (VBCE) it’s clear that we trade in precious metals as one of our core businesses. VBCE is a registered Royal Canadian Mint Bullion DNA Dealer and Trader in qualified bullion recognized by LBMA accreditation.

Bullion is the selling of gold, silver and platinum in a physical form that can be used as an investment or as an input resource to the manufacturing of items such as jewelry. We sell to those looking for physical possession of precious metals.

A common question we get asked is what is the best precious metal to invest in, right now?

Precious metals markets can be volatile like the stock market

Being educated in financial and precious metal markets and understanding the supply and demand within the current economic environment is key to understanding the benefits of investing in a metal such as gold. We don’t offer advice on investing, and it is up to individuals to do their research for any investment vehicle but we do see some common trends in the markets we can share:

● When the stock market sees volatility, interest in precious metals, like gold, increase and the price of gold can change.

● Popular types of precious metal forms are 1oz gold bars, and gold coins such as the Canadian Maple leaf 1-ounce coin.

● Monitoring daily price fluctuations in precious metals is top of mind for those looking to invest in precious metals.

● There can be a surge in demand and supply during volatility so some are selling their supply and some are buying as an investment. Surges can affect pricing and availability.

Gold, silver or platinum - how do you choose?

People chose their mix of investment in specific types of precious metals for many reasons but some key considerations are:

● Price volatility across the different metals. Do your homework on how each metal is performing over time and in the current market. Each precious metal performs differently in the market over time, and prices and performance can be very different for gold than silver. No one has a magic ball so you take on the risk based on your personal tolerance for changes in the market and you need to know the prices to know what you can afford to invest in and understand your risk tolerance for the ups and downs of the precious metals market.

● People invest for different reasons; some are investing for themselves and some are gifting precious metals to their family members. Preferences can be tied to personal reasons of family history associated with the type of metal and the ability to physically give a gift of a coin or bar of gold or silver.

● Balance in an overall investment portfolio - precious metals are used for more than just personal investment, in some cases, they are used by businesses to secure debt or to balance out other forms of investments.

If you are curious about how to choose precious metals as part of your investments, speak to a qualified investment professional about the options for balancing your overall portfolio.

Speak to a precious metals dealer if you have questions about pricing and availability of gold or silver and other precious metals

If you have a question on how to buy or sell precious metal or want to know what is available in stock, connect with us directly and speak to one of the VBCE Precious Metals Traders.

We post our current precious metals list and rates on our website so customers can reference the daily price and availability of products. You can view this information here.

If you’d like to speak to one of our Precious Metals customer representatives you can contact them directly at: 604-685-1008 Or by email: