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Currency Exchange is our focus

When it comes to exchanging currency cross-border or internationally we offer easy convenient transfers, quick settlement times at the best rates, without service fees.

Save time and money

Our core business is foreign exchange, transacting over 4 billion dollars worldwide annually which gives us the volume needed to offer excellent rates to our customers. Our knowledgable customer service agents understand currency exchange and are here to help you get the best value for your transaction.

As a full-service currency exchange partner, we offer international wire transfers and money transfers worldwide along with multiple payment and settlement options that can help you save time and money.

What are your currency exhange needs:

We support individuals who convert currency on a one-time, occasional, or regular interval, we can help you get upto 3% more in your exchange.

Call, email or visit one of our four retail locations in the Greater Vancouver area to get started.

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